From The Intersection of Faith and WTF...

Your Devotional Should Be As Uniquely Designed As Your Brain!


The World's First ADHDevotional!

In God's Flow!

A 45-page Devotional Coloring Workbook designed specifically with Adult ADHD Christian brains in mind!

And I want to gift it to you. For FREE.

hi! I'm Erin

...and I love Jesus & Justice & Cussing Too Much

Erin helps organizations create authentic spaces and space for authenticity.

Erin is a speaker, teacher, facilitator, and encourager of all things that make you...YOU!

Erin is a queer, neurodivergent speaker, preacher, teacher, and coach.

Erin has a master's degree in adult education & leadership, and spent their career educating and encouraging authenticity, identity, and purpose in adults and emerging adults.

"I spent so long trying to be someone I was never created to be. Finding my BRAVE saved my life, and I want the same for you!"

- Erin

here's the thing...

Neurotypical Faith Practices Don't Work For Us Either!

When you remember you're in God's flow

your authenticity, identity, & purpose can shine!

here's what's included in...

In God's Flow

  • A 5-Day Devotional - designed with your brain in mind - to help your find you authenticity, identity, and purpose.

  • Reflections, questions, and prompts to interact with the devotional and apply it to your life

  • Coloring pages (pretty much every page, tbh) to doodle, take notes, and stay engaged as you read and study

  • Bible-based Affirmations to remind you of your value, meaning, power, and worth

  • A BONUS Devotional - Bubbles & Breath - and an introduction to #BubbleMinistry

  • Tips, Tricks, & Tools to help you engage even when your brain makes it harder


I'm Erin!

Erin is a speaker, teacher, facilitator, and encourager of all things that make you...YOU!

Erin helps individuals, organizations, and churches create authentic spaces and space for authenticity.

Erin is a queer, neurodivergent speaker, preacher, teacher, worship leader, coach, and consultant, and uses her intersecting marginalizations to help support her clients in creating mutually inclusive cross-cultural spaces.

Erin has a bachelor's degree in vocal music, a master's degree in adult education & leadership, and spent their career educating and encouraging authenticity, identity, and purpose in adults and emerging adults.


After multiple misdiagnoses, hospitalizations, and lost opportunities, Erin was diagnosed with ADHD at age 36. While her authenticity work began well before this, her diagnosis propelled her into ministry and ignited her back into belonging and advocacy in a brand new way,

here's what's included in...

In God's Flow

  • A 5-Day Devotional - designed with your brain in mind - to help your find you authenticity, identity, and purpose.

  • Reflections, questions, and prompts to interact with the devotional and apply it to your life

  • Coloring pages (pretty much every page, tbh) to doodle, take notes, and stay engaged as you read and study

  • Bible-based Affirmations to remind you of your value, meaning, power, and worth

  • A BONUS Devotional - Bubbles & Breath - and an introduction to #BubbleMinistry

  • Tips, Tricks, & Tools to help you engage even when your brain makes it harder

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